Assistant Professor

Vinh Dang

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
EAISI High Tech Systems


Vinh Dang currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Operations, Planning, Accounting, and Control (OPAC) group in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research centers on the automation of manufacturing processes and material handling operations, the interconnection between these two processes, and the collaboration between autonomous mobile robots (AMRs)/automated guide vehicles (AGVs) and human operators in smart factories and warehouses or services sectors such as smart hospitals. He aims to develop algorithmic methodologies for planning and scheduling automated manufacturing or service systems in smart industries. He has worked on several projects, including Advanced Manufacturing Logistics, Digital Factory of the Future, and Green Transportation Delta - Electrification.

When you start to automate systems using robots, you start to do self-learning things, you make systems much more efficient.


Vinh Dang has held his PhD in Operations Research from Aalborg University in Denmark since 2014. During his PhD, he was involved in the EU-FP7 TAPAS project (Robotics-enabled Logistics and Assistive Services for Transformable Factory of the Future) as the main developer of mission planning and control of mobile robots, which was verified in practice by the company Grundfos A/S in Denmark. He received his M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from Pusan National University in South Korea and B.Eng. degree in Industrial Systems Engineering from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology in Vietnam. He was also co-author of the application software Empty Container Optimization Management System in the project BK21 – Brain Korea 21 (Development of Maritime Logistics Network Optimization Technology).