Vladimir Ćuk is an assistant professor with the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. His research is focused on Power Quality (PQ) phenomena. This includes the impact of supply quality on the performance of network users as well as the impact of network users on the surrounding network and users.

The analyzed phenomena include: slow voltage variations, rapid voltage changes – flicker, voltage dips, waveform distortion, unbalance and transients. The research can be divided in sub-topics: measurement, mathematical modelling, standardization and mitigation of PQ. The research is performed within the SmartGrid laboratory of TU/e as well as using Power System Analysis software and field measurements (using Power Quality analyzers or multi-channel waveform recording).


Vladimir Ćuk received his Dipl. Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (Serbia) in 2005. From 2006 until 2009 he was working at the Electrical Engineering Institute 'Nikola Tesla' in Belgrade, at the Electrical Measurements Department. From 2009 until 2013, he performed PhD research at the Electrical Energy Systems group of Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands). This resulted in his thesis 'Low-frequency distortion in distribution networks'. After obtaining his PhD degree, he stayed with the research group as a postdoctoral researcher and in 2016 was appointed Assistant Professor.

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