Assistant Professor

Weiming Yao

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering


Weiming Yao is a University Researcher in the Photonic Integration research group of Prof. Kevin Williams at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His key field of expertise is in high-speed optical components, semiconductor lasers and high-density photonic integrated circuits (PICs).

Currently, he is working on ways to intimately connect photonic circuits with electronics and further improve on speed and density of PICs. A new field of interest is neuromorphic photonics, where he explores the possibilities of building neural networks in photonic circuits.

Photonic integrated circuits allow for high-density integration of energy-efficient and high-speed optical components. I want to explore new applications that benefit from this enabling technology.


Weiming Yao obtained a dual MSc degree in Photonic Networks Engineering from Aston University, UK, and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy, in 2012. His MSc thesis was on optical signal processing in fibre, performed at Osaka University, Japan. He then conducted his PhD research at TU/e, exploring high-capacity, high-density integrated optical transmitters, leading to the PhD degree in 2017. Since then, he has continued to work at TU/e on photonic integrated circuits as a researcher. He has a strong background in both photonic networks and devices with a particular focus on high-speed, high-density component integration and its connection to electronics.

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