Assistant Professor (Part-time)

Xander Seykens

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering


Xander Seykens is a part-time assistant professor with the research group Multiphase & Reactive Flows at the department of Mechanical Engineering. The group focuses on clean and efficient combustion and process technology, to cater for fast-growing sustainable energy demands. This entails optimizing combustion and aftertreatment devices, in combination with different fuel formulations to minimize undesired emissions and maximize thermal efficiency.  

Transport of goods and people with zero environmental impact can be realized by development of high efficient internal combustion engines, running on sustainable fuels combined with high efficient aftertreatment systems.


Xander Seykens studied Mechanical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) where he received his Master’s degree in 2003 with the distinction cum laude. In 2004 he started his PhD research in the Combustion Technology group on 'Development and validation of a phenomenological diesel engine combustion model'. The project was partly sponsored and conducted in close cooperation with TNO Automotive in Helmond. As of January 2009, Xander Seykens is working as a senior research scientist at TNO. In 2016, he was appointed as a part-time assistant professor at TU/e with the research group Multiphase & Reactive Flows (department of Mechanical Engineering).

Current Educational Activities

Ancillary Activities

  • Employed by TNO, TNO