Doctoral Candidate

Yihao Guo


Yihao Guo is a Doctoral Candidate at the Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges Group in the Applied Physics Department of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His current research interests are streamer discharges and their applications. Streamer discharges occur in nature in the form of sprites and as the precursors to lightning leaders. As the first stage of the spark discharges, streamers are of interest in high voltage application. To gain insight in the physics of streamer discharges, Guo's research focuses on the temperal and spatial development of streamer discharges by using diagnotic methods including imaging and laser diagnostics.

What is the physics behind streamer discharges and how can we make better use of them?


Yihao Guo obtained his B.S and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China in 2017 and 2020, respectively. His thesis concerned discharge and conversion characteristics of carbon dioxide. In October 2020, he joined the Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges Group at TU/e as a Doctoral Candidate.

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