Department of the Built Environment

Building Acoustics

In the built environment, we are surrounded by sounds from natural and human sources. These can be pleasant and informative - but may also pose a serious threat to our health.

Understanding sound and environmental noise to optimize acoustics in the built environment

Building Acoustics (BA) is the acoustics research group of the Building Physics and Services (BPS) unit at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The group strives to contribute to the reduction of adverse health effects caused by human induced noise, and to promote positively perceived sound environments.  Research revolves around the continuous development of computational acoustics and experimental acoustic methods. These quantify the influence of the built environment on the propagation of sound from the sources to our ears.

The aim is to support fundamental research on the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the production, propagation and perception of sound in the built environment. Researchers and designers are provided with tools to integrate and optimize acoustics for a sustainable (re)design of the built environment and the technical innovations in it. The research connects to the TU/e strategic areas health and smart mobility.
Research revolves around three key areas, each divided into several fields.

Meet some of our Researchers

Project: Tools to tackle environmental health problems

To combat health-induced effects related to air pollution, high temperatures, wind and noise in the built environment, sophisticated techniques to predict the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) wind flow and acoustic fields are needed. Our interdisciplinary research project brings together specialists from both fields to bring forward these numerical techniques for large urban areas.

