Department of the Built Environment

Building Physics and Services

Preservation of energy and limitation of the environmental impact while providing a healthy and comfortable indoor and outdoor environment are essential requirements for the built environment.

Enabling meaningful sustainability innovation through building physics and services research 

The Building Physics & Services (BPS) unit at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) looks beyond energy-neutral and climate-neutral buildings. The aim is to generate new knowledge and to integrate and develop design methods that lead to a sustainable, healthy, comfortable and productive indoor and outdoor environment. The goals is to support truly sustainable habitats with energy generation near the end user, combined with energy storage and smart control technologies and designing and operating buildings and built environments that are sustainable, healthy and comfortable.


When visiting a museum, you don’t immediately think about all the work being done behind the scenes. A world of decay, fading colors, bended canvases and even cracked paint. Tackling these problems involves a lot of science. Because even though some paintings have been around for centuries, research into the ageing process of art works is still in its infancy. Several research groups at Eindhoven University of Technology are working to preserve our heritage, often in collaboration with major museums in the Netherlands. They use everything at their disposal to combat the metal soaps, moisture, salt and changes in temperature that cause damage to our paintings. 

Meet some of our Researchers

Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel

The wind tunnels on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) facilitate aerodynamic and boundary layer research on static and moving objects, at both small and large scale. 


Research meets practice

Our group has a well-equipped Laboratory of 2100 m2m, with highly qualified technical staff. Research is carried out in the laboratory as well as ‘on site’. The basic facilities allow for a wide range of experiments in all aspects of building physics: acoustics; light; air quality; heat, air and moisture transfer; wind flow; material science.

Our research meets practice in the spin-off Level Acoustics BV as well as in the outdoor research facility for so-called building-integrated solar energy: SolarBEAT (Solar Building Elements Application Testing). SolarBEAT is a joint venture between TU/e and SEAC (Solar Energy Application Center, an initiative of TNO, ECN and branch organization Holland Solar).

Student opportunities

Are you interested in the Bachelor’s and Master’s courses we offer? The focus of attention of Building Physics and Services is on physical aspects and processes to support and design healthy, comfortable and sustainable indoor and outdoor built environments. BPS relates to heat and moisture transfer in building constructions, urban physics and wind engineering, indoor air quality, building performance, lighting, building and urban acoustics, heating, ventilation, airconditioning and materials.



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