Department of the Built Environment

Building Physics

By combining applied physics and building construction engineering, the (energy) efficiency of buildings and urban areas can be significantly enhanced – immediately and for years to come.

Physics for architecture, planning and building to improve durability, sustainability and health

Building Physics (BP) is the physics research group of the Building Physics and Services (BPS) unit at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The aim is to acquire new knowledge and to develop and integrate methods, based on physics research and application, that result in a sustainable, healthy, comfortable and productive indoor and outdoor environment. Physical knowledge is vital throughout the lifecycle of building or a built environment, from design right through to planning, construction and maintenance. Especially in the light of fast-changing requirements and development of new materials and processes.


When visiting a museum, you don’t immediately think about all the work being done behind the scenes. A world of decay, fading colors, bended canvases and even cracked paint. Tackling these problems involves a lot of science. Because even though some paintings have been around for centuries, research into the ageing process of art works is still in its infancy. Several research groups at Eindhoven University of Technology are working to preserve our heritage, often in collaboration with major museums in the Netherlands. They use everything at their disposal to combat the metal soaps, moisture, salt and changes in temperature that cause damage to our paintings. 

Meet some of our Researchers

Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel

The wind tunnels on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) facilitate aerodynamic and boundary layer research on static and moving objects, at both small and large scale. 

