Department of the Built Environment

Building Performance

Building Performance aims to optimize energy use and indoor environment during design and operation of new and existing buildings, to arrive at sustainable, healthy, productive and/or comfortable buildings.

Increasing sustainability by optimizing energy use and indoor environmental quality

Building Performance (BP) is a research group of the Building Physics and Services (BPS) unit at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The group’s aim is to contribute to achieving a sustainable, energy-positive built environment with indoor environmental quality optimized for health, comfort and/or productivity.
This requires a multi-scale / multi-physics and trans-disciplinary approach that addresses technological solutions for energy generation, storage, distribution and demand reduction, and integrates and optimizes these in design, construction and operation of new and existing buildings. A performance-based perspective is at the center of these activities, providing opportunities for informed decision-making in the development of designs, products and services that foster the sustainability transition.

Meet some of our Researchers

Meet some of our Researchers

How TU/e technology brings the endless power of the sun to your home (and car)

The potential of solar power is enormous: our planet intercepts some 173,000 terawatts of radiation from the sun at any time, 10,000 times more power than the planet’s population uses. Harnessing this almost endless power source has been the driving force of much research at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The research covers a broad terrain of expertise and interests, ranging from the elemental building blocks of solar cells and upscaling of technology to industrial production, to enhancing the aesthetics of solar panels or application in solar-powered cars. And with success: it is estimated that almost one third of all solar cells worldwide contain technology pioneered by our researchers. We take you step by step through the whole chain: from fundamental research in the lab to the application in everyday life.



