Sander Bronckers

EM-Metrology Lab

We develop new measurement techniques (deep tech) and equipment to characterize the upcoming generations of wireless 

Research Profile

As the demand for increased wireless data rates continues to grow, operating frequencies go up, antenna size goes down, and antennas are integrated with electronics more tightly than ever before. This calls for new approaches to characterize antennas and wireless devices, including antenna-on-chip, antenna-in-package, software antennas, wireless devices, base stations, and channel properties, from the low-GHz range to sub-THz frequencies. We work closely with industrial partners and metrology institutes and focus on four main research tracks:
-    Anechoic chamber – led by dr. Ad Reniers
-    Reverberation chamber – led by dr. Sander Bronckers
-    Electromagnetic material characterization – led by dr. Ad Reniers
-    Channel sounding and emulation – led by dr. Sander Bronckers

Meet some of our Researchers
