Department of Electrical Engineering


Enable 'electromagnetic engineering' by developing new modeling strategies for analysis and synthesis of a range of applications, e.g. antenna systems, medical electromagnetic stimulation and metrology used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. In addition, we develop new facilities for experimental research in the area of antennas and wireless communications systems. 

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We are the leading academic group in applied electromagnetic research in the Netherlands

Internationally, the Netherlands has a unique position in applied electromagnetic research, housing major players in areas like wireless communications, astronomy, radar, space technology, bio-electromagnetics, optical fibers and components, RF technology, and lithography. To design such applications, the electromagnetic field needs to be analyzed and optimized in complicated three-dimensional configurations. The EM group contributes to this position by developing  new modeling strategies that enable the analysis and design of complex three-dimensional structures that are representative of these applications, and applying state-of-the art modeling to applications suggested by our partners, with whom we maintain long-ranging collaborations.


It is with pleasure that we announce that once again, for the 2023 scholarship round, there are 10 available scholarships for first year master’s students.

What does the NXP scholarship entail

The selected students will receive a scholarship of € 5000 in the first year, and the 5 best prior year scholarship recipients also in the second year. Furthermore, scholarship recipients will be assigned to a coach, and enter the Connected World Technologies track of the EE master’s program with relevant courses related to Millimeter Wave Technology. First-year recipients are required to take part in a team project supervised by NXP running from Nov-June in the first year and may also choose to do their internship and graduation projects with NXP. They are also offered the opportunity to join the Honor’s Academy. At the end of the master’s program, students will receive a special certificate next to their regular master’s diploma in Electrical Engineering.

Who can apply

Interested bachelor students in Electrical Engineering from TU/e, TU Delft or UT are invited to submit their CV, grade list, motivation letter and a short video pitch to the selection committee up to July 2nd 2023. This includes Electrical Engineering students from Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences who have finished the pre-master’s program. More info



Smart antennas: creating fast 5G connections with databeams

Are you ready for the superfast 5G network? Watch this video to see the new, smart antennas TU/e develops to realize this massive increase in capacity. TU/e not only focuses on the development of antennas, electronics and algorithms, but also on creating measuring devices for lab- and field tests and viability studies in collaboration with industry. Making sure this smart network will be feasible, safe and affordable.

Meet some of our Researchers

State-of-the-art Lab facilities

The Center for Wireless Technology (CWTe) facilitates research on wireless systems and antennas, raising the Internet of Things to a higher level.

Our lab includes unique facilities to test antenna systems up to frequencies of 140 GHz. We have anechoic facility with a planar near-field scanner which operates in the frequency range of 1-90 GHz. This facility can be used to test a wide range of antennas systems, like phased-arrays and focal-plane arrays. Next to this, we have developed a unique millimeter-wave facility to test highly-integrated antenna systems, like Antenna-on-Chip (AoC) and Antenna-in-Package (AiP). This facility supports probe-based measurements.


Highlighted projects


Check out all our courses

Within the Electromagnetics group students can work on projects at several stages of their development, e.g. in BSc endprojects, internships, and external projects at companies or institutes, domestic or abroad.

Furthermore the group offers many interesting MSc graduation projects, many in close cooperation with industry and research institutes. For more information, please contact Prof. Bart Smolders ( or Dr. Rob Mestrom ( 

It is the aim to link these projects to exciting existing or future research projects.


For international students

With the launch of the MOOC Microwave Engineering and Antennas in 2020 the new 'MicroMasters Wireless Technologies' program was introduced. This program consists of two online master courses, the second  RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design has been launched in 2021.

The MicroMasters provide international students the opportunity to gain expertise in the fast developing area of 5G and 6G wireless communications. In addition, they can obtain 15 educational credits (ECTS). These credits can be used in the future when students start their Master at TU/e in Electrical Engineering. The development of the MicroMasters is funded/supported by the BOOST program of TU/e.

TU/e is the first University in The Netherlands to offer this opportunity to international top talent.
