Research Lab

Center for Wireless Technology

The CWTe facilitates research on wireless systems and antennas, raising the Internet of Things to a higher level.

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All-in-one for wireless communication

In the Internet of Things even more devices are being connected wirelessly. For these devices to communicate with one another quickly, simultaneously and without error, new technologies are needed. The Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWTe) combines state-of-the-art facilities with expertise in various disciplines to study and improve wireless systems and antennas. 

four research programs

One of the research programs being pursued at the laboratory aims to achieve data speeds of 1 terabit per second. This is roughly one thousand times faster than today's WiFi. Scientists at the lab are also working on small, wireless sensors that draw their power from  radio waves in the wireless network. A third program involves terahertz technology. This is being used by researchers to develop new techniques for razor-sharp medical imaging, and weapons detection using extremely-highfrequency signals. The fourth program investigates techniques for designing the next generation of radio telescopes.

Anechoic chamber

The CWTe laboratories are fitted with a traditional anechoic chamber of 28m² that facilitates antenna measurements from 500MHz till 40GHz. Next to classical far-field measurements it also supports planar near-field measurements of large connectorised antenna systems up till 90GHz.

Many test labs under one roof

The CWTe integrates various laboratories designed for research on wireless antennas covering an area of 700 square meters: from near-field scanning (the testing of antennas in a small space), to the testing of new chips on wafers. The facilities include a fully shielded metal room in which the most sensitive electronics can be measured. In a system integration lab, chips can be linked to other components. In particular, the combination of the various laboratories and the clustering of the associated expertise in one place make the CWTe unique in Europe.

Full shielding

A special feature of the CWTe is that all the laboratories have full electromagnetic shielding from the outside world. This rules out any question of disruption by, for example, the signals for mobile telephony. Special windows that block electromagnetic fields, while allowing some daylight through, enable uninterrupted, precision research in a pleasant work environment.  

External research

The CWTe cooperates regularly with research partners outside the university, such as NXP and Philips. External parties are provided with their own individual rooms, guaranteeing their privacy and security. For more information, interested parties should contact  Antonio Almeida.

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