Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Human Performance Management

People are most comfortable and productive in their work when it is organized in a humane way, taking not only technical and control requirements but also human needs and aspirations into account.

At HPM we support organizations to optimize the full potential of their core asset: people

Organizations can only excel when their employees are prepared to do their utmost (for the organization). In our view, management’s function is to create optimal conditions for employees so they can thrive. By means of aligning technological, social, organizational and personal factors, excellent performance can be achieved. Human Performance Management (HPM) at TU/e develops scientific knowledge and tests theories that uncover and explain psychological processes contributing to performance at the organizational, team and individual level. By examining the ‘people factor’ in operational and innovation processes, HPM aims to ensure that employees can help in bringing organizational strategies to fruition in the most rewarding and efficient way possible.

Human Performance Management News


Crafting is an effective strategy to increase people’s engagement with an activity (or task) by increasing person-activity fit and thereby their well-being and performance.

Scientists from the TU/e Human Performance Management Group have conducted research into crafting in many different organizations and occupations as well as among university students.


Some of our research projects

Meet some of our researchers

Work with us!

Please check out the TU/e vacancy pages for opportunities within our group. 

If you are a student, potential sponsor or industrial partner and want to work with us, please contact the HPM secretariat
or the Human Performance group co-chairs, prof. dr. Pascale Le Blanc or dr. Josette Gevers

