Department of Electrical Engineering

Integrated Circuits

The research area of the group is advanced purely-analog and mixed-signal IC design (RF/IF/LF), applied to frontends, especially for wireless RF transceivers and sensors. In this context, frontends are defined as the functional blocks that process and translate analog signals (communication signals, sensor signals) to digital signals (bits), and vice versa, see the figure below. This includes on the one hand system, concept and algorithm level design, and on the other hand circuit block design (antenna-matched low-noise amplifiers, sensor amplifiers, power amplifiers; oscillators, mixers, modulators, detectors; data converters). At all these levels, we strive to implement smartness (autonomous calibration, adaptivity, error correction, reconfiguration, etc.).

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Research Profile

As regards performance, we focus on improvements in speed (up to THz), power-efficiency, and ultra-low-power. As regards the application domains, our current focus is on communication systems, sensor systems, and medical systems. As regards technology, we focus on advanced deep-submicron processing (CMOS, BICMOS), emerging technologies (organic electronics, metal oxides), and THz technology.

Brainpower in comic book form

What's not to like, an inspiring lecture given by an enthusiastic professor. An upbeat message and decades of research distilled into a single slide. But PhD candidate Elles Raaijmakers is keen to show the other side of the story: failed experiments, countless setbacks and years of hard work. While working as a member of the Education Team, she carried out doctoral research on the influence of electrical fields on brain cells. Instead of handing out a hefty thesis – although she has written one – she drew an accessible guide to her research experiences in the form of a comic book. On Thursday, June 8, she defended her research at the Department of Electrical Engineering. Read more


Work with us!


All scientific as well as non-scientific vacancies are centrally cataloged by the Electrical Engineering department and can be found here

Our Labs


Exploring the unknown with a swarm of smart marbles

A swarm of marbles that flows through your intestines in order to detect thickening. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s closer to reality than you might think. Engineer Peter Baltus of Eindhoven University of Technology has developed sensors that are able to inspect hard-to-reach or even inaccessible environments. His primary focus is on large-scale pipeline networks such as drinking water systems, oil pipelines or transport systems for kerosene. But his dream is that these small balls will one day explore the inside of volcanos, or maybe even the human digestive tract.


Meet some of our researchers


The IC group is cooperating with other groups at the university via our so-called Centers, especially in the Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWTe) and the Center for Care and Cure Technology Eindhoven (C3Te). This ensures a strong multidisciplinary link, which not only enhances our research, but also facilitates the innovation chain to industry and society.

IC cooperates with many industrial partners; key partners are NXP, Holst/IMEC, Philips, and Xilinx. The group strives for a close cooperation with industry through hosting guests, parttime positions for industrial specialists, consultancy to industry, and integration of MSc and PhD students during their project with industry. Our work is directed along roadmaps that are aligned with industry. In most of our projects for which we apply funding, industry is operating as a partner. Finally, we facilitate measurement facilities for our prime partners. In this way we integrate our work as much as possible, resulting in a smooth innovation chain, as stated in our mission.


Check out all our courses

An overview of all Master Courses from the IC group, with the specialization tracks Data Converters (IC-1) and RF (IC-2) can be seen below this block.


