Group of Power & Flow

Group Somers

The mission of the group is to develop ultra-clean combustion concepts for heavy-duty transport within the context of the necessary emergence of new, low-carbon, fuels (bio- and e-fuels). Due to the complex interaction between the fuel and the emissions this can only be achieved by developing a deep understanding of the underlying critical processes. For this we use a set of unique experimental set-ups, advanced (optical) diagnostic techniques and efficient state-of-the-art numerical tools. The knowledge will lead the way to the best future fuels to reach the set goals in the ‘klimaatakkoord’.

Future fuels and ultra-clean engines for sustainable transport

The group uses numeric and experimental tools to develop the necessary understanding of new clean and efficient combustion concepts for Heavy-duty engines. We especially target fuels that have a low-carbon footprint in order to mitigate the climate impact. Combustion concept studies are performed on dedicated adapted heavy-duty (truck) engines. These concept studies guide the more detailed numerical and experimental campaigns. A series of special (unique) set-ups are available to study in detail the sub-processes applying advanced (laser) diagnostics techniques. Apart from the deeper level of understanding these provide the results also serve as a benchmark for the numerical models. The numerical models are used to explain the complicated interaction of fuels and emissions observed in the concepts studies especially the effect of future fuels (bio- and e-fuels).

The research is carried out within a consortium; the Zero-Emission Lab. This lab is a formal co-operation between DAF, TNO, Shell, Province Brabant and the TU/e especially to develop clean and efficient concepts for a sustainable transport system. The group also co-operates on a global level and is a well-recognized partner of the Engine Combustion Network (, an international co-operation with world leading institutes like the national laboratories in USA (SNL and ANL), France (IFPen) and universities around the world (USA, Italy, Spain, Australia etc..). Research within the group has been supported by industry, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP6, FP7, H2020).

Meet some of our Researchers

Student opportunities

Are you a student interested in graduating or doing a project in the Power & Flow group? Our research covers a very broad range of subjects. We design, make and test systems for various power and flow applications. In most of our graduation projects we perform experimental, theoretical or numerical studies of the interplay between heat (production) and flow. Students use these studies to either understand the fundamentals of these heat and flow problems or to apply them and find practical solutions on how to operate or optimize the application.

Zero Emission Lab (ZEL)

Check out our our recently renovated ZELab: an internationally leading lab to investigate zero-impact internal combustion engines.
