Full Professor

Anton Darhuber


Anton Darhuber is a Full Professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology. He is an expert in the physics underlying micro- and nanofluidics. Areas of specialization include surfactant-driven flows, flows set up by photochemical reactions, the interaction between atmospheric plasmas and liquid films, the generation of electrical surface charge patterns by flowing and evaporating fluids, laser-induced rupture of thin liquid films, flow control using substrates with chemical and topological surface patterns, thermo- and solutocapillary flows, and the manipulation of droplets by dynamic temperature distributions.

Relevant technological applications include offset- and inkjet printing, coating flows, evaporative lithography, enhanced oil recovery, and laser-induced pattern generation in solution and suspension films.

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Anton Darhuber obtained his Master's degree in Applied Physics at the University of Linz in Austria and also earned his PhD degree there in 1998. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow and later as a Research Staff Member in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University from 1999 to 2006. In 2007 Darhuber was appointed Full Professor in the Department of Applied Physics at the TU/e, leading the Mesoscopic Transport Phenomena research group. He is also a member of the University Council of the TU/e.