Department of Applied Physics

Fluids and Flows

The Fluids and Flows (F&F) group addresses fundamental questions in fluid dynamics in an integrated approach. 

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Our fascination for fluid dynamics is based on the beauty and complexity of flow phenomena and further fueled by its omnipresence in current-day technologies 

Our research group addresses fundamental questions in fluid dynamics through statistical fluid mechanics, large-scale computations and dedicated laboratory experiments with modern optical diagnostics for detailed flow measurements. Our motivation is the desire to unravel the fundamental properties of these phenomena and systems and use that knowledge to help solve challenges for industry and the environment.


Research themes

Work with us!

Please check out the TU/e Vacancies page for further opportunities within our group. 


Meet some of our Researchers


Check out all our courses

An overview of topics for the BSc and MSc final project available within our group:

  • Turbulence
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Multiphase and Complex Fluids
  • Micro- and Nanohydrodynamics


