Matias Duran Matute

Transport in Environmental Flows (Duran Matute)

We investigate the transport of material and subtances by environmental flows from  fundamentals to applications. Our goals are to understand the fundamental dynamics,  improve modeling, and acheive better predictions for managers and governments to make informed decisions.

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"Understanding our surroundings is a crucial step towards improving them."

We investigate the transport of material and subtances by environmental flows from the fundamentals to applications. The aim is to understand the fundamental dynamics and improve modeling to acheive better predictions for managers and governments to make informed decisions. A few practical examples are the transport of sediment in coastal areas, the transport of salt in estuaries, the transport of marine debris, and the transport of exhaled droplets in indoor settings. To achieve our goal, we use laboratory experiments with optical measurement techniques and numerical simulations over a wide range of length scales..

Meet some of our Researchers
