Assistant Professor

Hamid Montazeri

Department / Institute
Built Environment
EIRES Research


Hamid Montazeri is a Mechanical Engineer, obtained his PhD in Building Physics from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology.
His research activities include both fundamental and applied topics. The fundamental research is focused on low-Reynolds number aerodynamics, convective heat transfer in thermal turbulent boundary layers, and multi-phase flows. The applied research includes renewable energy, and water spray systems for cooling purposes. He employs a combination of wind-tunnel testing and numerical modeling with computational fluid dynamics (CFD).


Hamid Montazeri received his MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion) from Shiraz University in Iran. He obtained his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands with the thesis "Computational modelling of evaporative cooling using water spray systems”. He has published 30 peer-reviewed ISI journal papers, and 45 peer-reviewed papers in the proceedings of international conferences. He has been an active reviewer for 45 ISI journals. He is currently co-supervising 10 PhD students, and 2 MSc students. In 2015, he was selected as the best researcher of the Department of the Built Environment at TU/e. He also received the Best PhD Supervision Team Award (together with Prof. Bert Blocken) from the PhD Student Network of the same department at TU/e in 2016. He acquired the University Teaching Qualification (BKO) in 2019.