Full Professor (Part-time)

Han Slootweg


Han Slootweg is part-time professor in Smart Grids with the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. His main affiliation is with distribution network operator Enexis, where he is Director of Asset Management. In both roles he is involved in innovation and sustainability of the energy system, with special attention to the function of gas and electricity networks in the sustainable energy system of the future. Han sees the energy transition, the sustainability of our energy supply as the most important topic for the energy industry and his mission is to contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable energy system.

His main research interest is the role of energy distribution grids in the energy system of the future. In his research at TU/e he focuses on technical-substantive issues such as examining the potential benefits of the various Smart Grid concepts, the crucial determining factors, and the associated sensing, control and optimization concepts. Adding to these electrotechnical issues, he puts attention to issues concerning legislation and regulations, pricing and the allocation of the costs and benefits of Smart Grids.


Prof. J. G. (Han) Slootweg received his MSc degree in Electrical Power Engineering in 1998 from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) with the distinction 'cum laude'. In 2003, he obtained his PhD from the same university with his thesis ‘Wind Power; Modelling and Impact on Power System Dynamics’. The same year he also received his MSc degree in Business Administration and started working at Enexis, one of the largest distribution network operators of the Netherlands, where he currently is Director of Asset Management. In 2009, he was appointed as part-time professor in Smart Grids at the Electrical Energy Systems group at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In 2007, he won the Hidde Nijland award for 'significant contributions to research in power engineering in the Netherlands' and in 2013 the Dutch Power Award for 'significant contributions to the Dutch energy sector and connecting its members'.

Ancillary Activities

  • Directeur Asset Management, Enexis