Full Professor

Koen Kok


Koen Kok is Professor Intelligent Energy Systems at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Eindhoven University of Technology. He has extensive research experience applying intelligent and distributed software technologies in energy systems. He was among the European smart grid pioneers, with involvement in early developments and field deployments. Currently, he is scientific director of the MegaMind research program on technical, legal and ethical aspects of Artificial Intelligence applied in the electricity system’s edge. Further, he leads numerous research projects in the field. Application of intelligent software in the operation of (local) electricity systems and in market trade, against the background of the unfolding energy transition, is a key focus of Kok and his team. Key results have been field deployed, commercialized and/or made available in open-source.

Awards and Grants include:

  • NWO Perspective Grant for the MegaMind Research Program on AI Technology and Governance for Local Electricity Systems, 2021. 3.7 Meuro.
  • (Co-)PI in NWO projects AGILE (2019) and DEMOSES (2021). Co-PI in several EU projects, including ValueFlex (2012), EcoGrid.EU (2011), SmartHouse/SmartGrid (2008), FENIX (2006) and Integral (2007). Co-PI in RVO-funded projects GO-E (2021), Couperus Smart Grid (2011), Universal Power Manager (2006), Micro-CHP VPP (2006).
  • Blue Tulip Energy Innovation Award 2012 for the PowerMatcher smart grid technology.
  • Sustainia100 World's Best Sustainable ICT-project 2011 for the EcoGrid EU project. Awarded by Sustainia100, the 100 most powerful sustainable solutions in the world, 2011 list. This list contained two entries for sustainable electricity demonstration projects that make use of the PowerMatcher: the EcoGrid EU prototype of the European smart electricity grid and PowerMatching City, the first living-lab smart grid community in the world.


Koen Kok holds B.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Technical Informatics, and an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the VU University Amsterdam, for his thesis on smart grid coordination mechanisms based on distributed software technology.

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