University Professor

Maarten Steinbuch

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering
EAISI High Tech Systems
EAISI Mobility
EAISI Health
EIRES Research


Maarten Steinbuch is a Distinguished University Professor in Systems and Control and Chair of Control Systems Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research ranges from automotive engineering (with a focus on connected cars and clean vehicles) to mechatronics, motion control, and fusion plasma control. His research interests are design and control of motion systems, robotics, automotive powertrains and of fusion plasmas. In both 2008 and 2014, his research group obtained the QANU excellence rating [5555]. His group is renowned for developing and applying principles for mechanical design of high-tech systems which enable high reproducibility and low-cost manufacturing of such systems. 

Maarten is primarily known for his work in the field of advanced motion control, as well as in robotics for high precision surgery. Steinbuch is a prolific blogger and a key opinion leader on the influence of new technologies on society and a well-known advocate of electric vehicles. He has developed new techniques to accommodate reference and disturbance induced errors, based on repetitive control, iterative learning and motion feedback control. Steinbuch's research has also resulted in improvement of robots for precision surgery.


Maarten Steinbuch received his MSc and PhD from Delft University of Technology. From 1987-1998 he worked with Philips Research and from 1998-1999 with Philips CFT. Since 1999 he has been a Full Professor of the Control Systems Technology group of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Eindhoven University of Technology. He was Scientific Director of the TU/e High Tech Systems Center 2014-2020. Since 2018 he is Scientific Director of the Eindhoven Engine. In 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2015 he obtained the 'Best-Teacher' award of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e. In 2013 he was appointed Distinguished University Professor at TU/e. In 2015 Maarten received the KIVI Academic Society Award. In 2016 he was awarded as Simon Stevin Meester 2016, the highest Dutch award for Scientific Technological research. Maarten is also well known as an entrepreneur and communicator and holds 9 patents. Maarten Steinbuch has numerous ISI (web of science) highly-cited papers, > 344 publications in ISI web of science and has > 4290 citations (H-index 35). In Google Scholar > 12873 citations, H-index of 54. He is an IEEE Fellow. He has acted as Editor-in-Chief of the leading journal IFAC Mechatronics(2008-2015), and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2003-2008). He has given over 100 invited lectures including many keynote speeches at conferences including the American Control Conference 2011, IFAC Symposium on System Identification (Sysid), IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MCS) 2013, and IFAC Mechatronics, SAMCON2021, March 2021, Japan.

Current Educational Activities

Ancillary Activities

  • Member of the advisory board, DSPE
  • Member of the Executive Counsil, Topsector HTSM
  • Co-founder, shareholder, trainer, Mechatronics Academy B.V.
  • Member of the advisory board, Nobleo Technology B.V.
  • trainer, talks, Faculty of SingularityU NL
  • Co-founder, shareholder, Preceyes Founders B.V.
  • Founder, shareholder and director, Steinbuch in Motion B.V.
  • Bestuurslid, Stichting DCT
  • Co-founder, shareholder, ZEnMO B.V.
  • Wetenschappelijk Directeur, Eindhoven Engine
  • Member of the Advisory Board, LUMO Labs
  • Cofounder, shareholder, Eindhoven Medical Robotics
  • Co-Founder, shareholder, Board Member, MicroSure Founders B.V.
  • Member of the Advisory Board, WorldEmp
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Classified Cycling BV
  • Co-founder, shareholder, director, NRG2FLY B.V.
  • Voorzitter Raad van Commissarissen, MyWheels BV
  • Shareholder, Stichting Administratiekantoor E-Flight Equity
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Electric Flying Connection
  • Micro-Investor/sponsor/member of the Advisory Board, MAEVE Aerospace BV
  • Scientific Advisor, Urban Mobility Group
  • Advisory Board Power to Power, Herlaer Energy BV