Department of Mechanical Engineering

Control Systems Technology

The mission of the CST section is to develop new methods and tools in the area of Systems Theory, Control Engineering and Mechatronics. The research focuses on understanding the fundamental system properties that determine the performance of mechanical engineering systems, and exploiting this knowledge for the design of the high-tech systems of the future.

We want an internationally leading role in research, combined with inspiring education, valorisation through spin-off companies, and direct co-operation with industry.

Our overall research strategy is focused on performance-driven design and control. The performance of a controlled system is defined as the extent to which the actual behaviour of the system matches the intended behaviour, while being subject to disturbances acting on the system and variations in system dynamics. Performance requirements can be related, for instance, to the accurate tracking of a set-point (motion) or to the energy utilisation (hybrid vehicles). Fundamental properties that determine and possibly limit performance can be found in both external sources (disturbances acting on the system) and internal sources (system properties, controller properties, quality of sensors and actuators etc.). Only by an integrated design of both the mechatronic (hardware) system and the (software) controller the highest performance requirements can be achieved. 

Our laboratories

The Control Systems Technology group shares the following laboratory facilities in the Mechanical Engineering Department.


Associate Professors

Assistant Professors & Lecturers

Part Time Faculty

Researchers & Post-Docs

PhD en engD



We have new and exciting opportunities for talented researchers at our Control Systems Technology section. Please see our Working at TU/e site for the currently available positions. 

Student opportunities

The Control Systems Technology Group actively participates in the TU/e Bachelor College and Graduate School. The members of the CST group are responsible for many courses at Bsc(ME) and MSc levels, in the master programs of ME, AT, S&C and NF. Every year approximately 60 students finish their Master program within our group. Also, CST group participates in the PDEng program Automotive Systems Design as well as in the Graduate School DISC.


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