Associate Professor

Michel Reniers


Michel Reniers is an Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research interests include model-based engineering of supervisory controllers, synthesis of supervisory controllers for modal logics, engineering of cyber-physical systems (of systems) and development of modeling languages (CIF) and model transformations.

In Reniers’ research the emphasis is on application of formal methods in engineering of supervisory controllers for high-tech and embedded systems. The research focuses on furthering the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice in model-based systems engineering approaches for supervisory controllers. This includes research themes such as supervisory controller synthesis for networked systems, the combination of supervisory control and throughput optimization, and supervisory control for system product lines.

Application areas for the research are manufacturing and high-tech systems such as lithography manufacturing, automotive systems, waterway locks and tunnel installations, robotics and autonomous systems.

The impact of the current generation of embedded and cyber-physical systems on society asks for application of model-based engineering of the involved supervisory control structures in order to obtain better guarantees for safety and performance.”


Michel Reniers obtained his MSc in Computer Science from TU/e in 1994 followed by a PhD in 1999. He began working for TU/e in 1999 as an assistant professor in the section Analysis and Design of Systems (OAS), followed by an assistant professorship in the section Systems Engineering (SE). He was appointed Associate Professor in 2015.

Michel is a member of various organizations, including IEEE (senior member), IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Discrete Event Systems, and IFAC Technical Committee 1.3 on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems. Michel has been chair of Working Group 3 on Tools for systems of systems engineering and management of the Communication and Support Action CPSoS and was coauthor of the Proposal of a European Research and Innovation Agenda on Cyber-physical Systems of Systems – 2016-2025.