Full Professor (Part-time)

Maurits Kaptein

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science


Maurits Kaptein is an active researcher in statistics, statistical learning, and research methodology. Over the years his work has focussed on sequential experimentaiton, multi-armed bandit problems, research methodology and causality. In recent years Maurits has been exploring the relationships between various streams in the causal inference literature. Next to his research activities Maurits is also the co-founder and CEO of Scailable; a company that develops an edge AI deployment SDK.

We are succesful because we choose the right level of abstraction.


Maurits obtained his MSc. in ecomomic psychology from the University of Tilburg. Subeseuqently, Maurits obtained a PdEng. from the Tehnical Unviersity of Eindhoven in User-System Interaction. Next, Maurits obtained his PhD at Industrial Design at the Technical University of Eindhoven in joint affiliation with Stanford University (Communicaitons). Maurits went on to become a post-doc in quantitatve marketing at Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland), an assistant professor of AI at the Randboud University Nijmegen, and subsequently associate and full professor of statistics at the Unversity of Tilburg. Maurits currently holds a chair in applied causality at the TU/e where he contributes to the research in causality, supervises PhD. students, and actively contributes to TRI-DSA.

Ancillary Activities

  • Spreker, The Next Speaker
  • Leidinggevende / CEO, Scailable B.V.