EngD opleiding

EngD DEES - Healthcare Systems Design

ECTS punten
Twee jaar
Engineering Doctorate

Healthcare Systems Design (HSD) is one of two tracks within the Design of Electrical Engineering Systems (DEES) EngD program (more information about the ICT track can be found here). In this two-year program, trainees perform a design project in the field of Medical Technology and are trained to become multi-disciplinary oriented system engineers.

The goal of the EngD HSD program is to train engineers to innovate in a relevant way in the healthcare domain. The main elements of the program consist of:

  • Design skills (requirements management, project management, model building)
  • Technical knowledge in a specific area
  • Healthcare and well-being knowledge and experience
  • Professional skills
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship skills

Key for the engineers is to learn to innovate in the real world. Therefore the program contains a major design project in medical technology next to the curricular part of the program. The curricular part supports the design skills to be used in the project. Based on a strong background of technology and application understanding the trainee can work together in a team of various (also non-technical) backgrounds to solve multi-disciplinary problems. Working in the field of healthcare systems design comes with specific challenges. The engineers should be able to communicate directly with doctors, nurses, patients and engineers and be able to translate their needs into good (technological) solutions. This is different from design projects which operate in a business-to-business environment where specifications, even in a first stage, are already quite concrete.

The result of the project can be a tool, system, process flow etc. which is used in the (clinical) practice. The result is innovative in the sense that it is new to the world. The result typically is a (creative) combination of known components. The result is also obtained in a structured way, using state of the art design tools.

The EngD programs lead to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (EngD degree). All EngD programs are provided under the banner of the 4TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute. This institute is a collaboration between the four technological universities in the Netherlands.

CCTO Certification

This program is recognized as a EngD program by the CCTO, the Dutch certification institute for technological EngD programs.