Information for industry

Interested in collaboration?

Is your company facing a technological problem that needs solving or a challenging design issue that needs unraveling?

A technological designer of Mechatronic Systems design, professionals who are trained in designing a system, complex new products or processes, and thinking out of the box, may be an attractive option.

There are three ways for cooperation with Mechatronic Systems Design:

1. Offer a design assignment as a graduation project for one or two of our trainees.

Do you have an idea for a design assignment? Below you can find more detailed information. The first round of interviews with the candidates from the ASD/MSD generation of 2022-2024 is planned for June 19-30, 2023. If you like to offer your project in the first round, please, send in your proposal before June 1.

In case you like to see what other companies proposed and experienced, please, see the project books from past years.

2. Offer your own employee a company-EngD traineeship.

Do you have an employee that has the ambition to become a system designer? Or would you like to offer a new employee a traineeship? We can help you (also with finding candidates in case of a new employee)!

The traineeship lasts at least two years (full-time traineeship), and maximum three years (combined with other activities in your company). Courses, training projects, and coaching will mainly take place at the TU/e. The graduation project will be defined by your company, and mainly take place at your company. The TU/e offers labs, expertise, and software, that can be used during the traineeship’s projects. In addition, we will offer you the opportunity to have one or more team projects performed for your company (see item 3). The price for the full traineeship is 35 kEur, which includes all mentioned above.

Since company-EngD traineeships need to align with the company needs as well as with our program, we invite you to just contact us directly, and discuss the possibilities.

3. Offer a training team project.

As a part of the trainings, industry is invited to challenge our trainees by offering a design assignment for one of the two periods mentioned below. These projects are carried out with closed exchanges (and under NDA if needed).

For the period of May 8 – July 7 we are looking for team projects for a mixed team of 1st year trainees from Mechatronic Systems Design, Software Technology, and/or Data Science. Project proposals can be send in before March 15, 2023.

For the period of September 11 – October 27 we are looking for design assignments for a team of 1st year trainees of Mechatronic Systems Design and/or Automotive System Design. Project proposals can be send in before May 15, 2023.