Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) promotes excellent and innovative research and technological design throughout its full academic spectrum. To acknowledge this publicly, every year TU/e awards tribute to their best M.Sc. candidates, PDEng candidates, and PhD candidates of the previous academic year.
For each of these categories, candidates can be nominated and eventually an independent jury determines which of the nominated theses is considered to be the best. During the annual Academic Awards Ceremonies, all nominees are acknowledged by the university's Executive Board and the best receives a prize.
PDEng candidates of Eindhoven University of Technology can compete for the TU/e PDEng Thesis Award, consisting of a certificate and an amount of € 5.000,-. Each of the twenty PDEng degree programs is allowed to nominate one PDEng thesis. The ST program automatically nominates the Software Technology Award winner. The ST Award consists of a certificate and an amount of € 500,-.
Since a number of years, our ST Award winners are determined by a jury of members of our External Advisory Board who selects the best PDEng thesis out of a set of projects that have been assessed as excellent or that have been recommended especially by their TU/e supervisors.