Per October 31, 2016 our two-year EngD degree program on Software Technology consists of four in-house periods of each approx. 11 weeks and one on-site project of 10 months. The core elements of the in-house periods are intensive training periods during which the relevant sustainable competencies are covered (deepening, broadening, or reinforcing) and project periods during which teams of trainees are working (competitive, comparative, or collaborative) on designing and developing software for a specific problem domain using a given technology domain.
Each of the in-house periods starts with an intensive training period during which all sustainable competencies are covered in an integral way. The competencies that will be covered are the various relevant aspects of systems architecting and designing software, including technical aspects, business/management aspects, and professional development aspects.
Each of the in-house periods ends with an intensive project period during which teams of EngD trainees work on designing and developing software in the context of specific problem and technology domains. The following problem domains will be targeted: media processing, mechatronics/robotics, life sciences/medical applications, embedded systems, and intelligent systems. During these projects we provide our trainees near-life situations (ill-defined problems, incomplete information, multidisciplinary teams). On a regular basis throughout the various project periods, teams of trainees get feedback on the various relevant aspects. At the end of a project, each team performs a project retrospective for future improvement.
During the program our trainees are working on projects for and with e.g. the following training projects for industries/organisations:
Throughout the program, also a number of time slots have been allocated for Thematic Industry eXperience eXchange (TIXX) excursions to and seminars from industry partners.