Introduction Week


Program intro 2023

Welcome to the Introduction Week. The intro will show you everything the TU/e and City Eindhoven have to offer. You will get to know your fellow students, the campus, all associations and organizations the TU/e is rich and much more! The intro starts on Monday August 21 and will continue until Friday August 25.

Monday 21 August

All participants of the Introduction Week will be welcomed by all student-, sports- and culture associations. After checking in you will meet your intro group. After some group bonding activities, there will be a spectacular opening. What will happen during the official opening is still a surprise, but it will contain different interactive elements. After the official opening, there will be a lunch on the campus. As an upcoming bachelor student, after lunch, you will work on a business case organized by your department to get a sneak peek of your study! Master students will work on a Challenge organized by Innovation Space. The afternoon program will end together with a dinner organized by the study associations. After a great meal, everybody can enjoy a big party on the campus. 


Tuesday 22 August

On Tuesday morning the departments and different facilities on the campus will get the opportunity to present themselves. Intro groups will get a guided tour of the campus and their own department. After a guided tour and lunch on the campus, there will be a campus market. On this campus market different culture-, student-, sports- and study associations will present themselves with different fun activities. At the campus market, you can get some information, orientate and look around for yourself. Maybe you even want to join one of these associations! For the upcoming bachelor students, dinner on Tuesday night will be at your intro parents' student house, to get a feeling of how it is to live in a student house. Upcoming master students will have dinner together at the campus. After the dinner, there will be a party hosted by your department in the city or on campus. 

Wednesday 23 August

On Wednesday morning bachelor students will discover Eindhoven at the City tour! You will get to see the highlights from Eindhoven, such as the PSV stadium, but you will also discover art places, parks, and a lot more! Master students will have the City tour on Thursday and will have a Company Tour on Wednesday.  

In the afternoon everybody will meet again at the Culture Festival with will take place on campus. The festival will start at 15:00, will end at 00:00 and during this time there will be live performances and shows, giving a festival-like atmosphere. You are free to walk in and out of workshops and shows, allowing you to explore the cultural diversity that the program will offer, making it easier to choose which activities to take part in. Activities are organized in collaboration with external and internal partners. The day program will flow into the evening program where there will be three stages: the WordLid Party on the Flux field, a culture evening in Luna organized by SCALA, and the "Expand Your Culture" stage in the Forum with live performances and music from different cultures. 

Thursday 24 August

The master students will start their Thursday with a City Tour. After this, they will join the bachelor students for the workshops! On Tuesday you already discovered all the different associations on campus, and now you will get to know them better at their own location. You can sign up for five different workshops of your preference. After all the workshops, there will be a delicious dinner served by one of the associations. After this dinner we will go to Stratum, to get a drink at the different pubs that this nightlife street has to offer. 

Friday 25 August

After a night on Stratum will your last day also start somewhat later with a brunch organized by the study associations. After the brunch the last and biggest festival of the week is hosted, namely the Closing All TU/egether. The All TU/egether Festival is a festive closing of the Introduction Week. The festival will include different well-known artists, foodtrucks and attractions. At the end of the Intro Week, you will have met your fellow students, the TU/e and discovered Eindhoven city! The best way to start your student life. 




Do you have any questions about the Introduction Week? Just fill in the contact form below!