Tuition fee

The table below shows the different tuition fees for with the requirements that must be met. The table below shows the different tuition fees for with the requirements that must be met. 

                            2023-2024  2024-2025 

Bachelor and master students who meet the nationality criteria 1

€ 2.314,-a € 2.530,-

Bachelor students who don’t meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA)

€ 12.300,-

€ 13.300,-


Master students who don’t meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA)

€ 17.800,-

€ 19.300,-


Bachelor and master external students (extraneï) who meet the nationality criteria (EEA)

€ 1.157,-

€ 2.530,-


Bachelor external students (extraneï) who don’t meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA)

€ 6.150,-

€ 6.650,-


Master external students (extraneï) who don’t meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA)

€ 8.900,-

€ 9.650,-


Pre-master students (EEA and non-EEA) for following units of study in the pre-master program or for following bachelor's/master's units of study with the permission of the examination board 2

€ 38,57

€ 42,17



€ 500,-

€ 700,-


PhD candidates not on TU/e payroll (NOP)

More information

More information


Bachelor students Data Science (JADS) who don’t meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA) or have already obtained a bachelor's degree.

€ 12.300,-

To be anounced


Master students Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship (JADS) who don’t meet the nationality criteria (non- EEA) or have already obtained a master degree.

€ 17.800,-

To be anounced


Bachelor and master students with Ukrainian nationality and/or students who have fled Ukraine. For bachelor students the lower rate applies for the next four years, for master students it applies for the next three years. The lower rate applies to one bachelor or one graduate program.

€ 2.314,-

To be anounced

  European double degree programs    

Bachelor and master students who meet the nationality criteria 1

€ 2.314,-

To be anounced


Master students who meet don't meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA) and are only in their final year enrolled (exit level students) 3

€ 17.800,-

€ 19.300,-


Master students who meet don't meet the nationality criteria (non-EEA) and are in both master years enrolled (entry level students) 3

€ 8.900,-

€ 9.650,-

a First year students who meet the nationality criteria1 pay € 1.157,- as set by OCW. The halving will be stopped from the academic year 2024-2025 (as of September 1, 2024).

At the TU/e, the same rates apply to enrolments for part-time students as for full-time students.

Pre-Master's tuitionfee

When enrolling in the pre-master program, the program determines the total number of credits for your bridging program. With a HBO prior education this is standard 30. On the basis of this program the level of the rate is determined: number of credits * 1/60 statutory rate (A). You pay your fee in one go at the start of the program (no refund possible). Halfway through the year any exemptions or additional courses will be settled. After completing your bridging program, you register for the Master and pay the statutory tuition fee.  

Payment tuition fee

When you have registered in Studielink, you can indicate how you want to pay the tuition fees via Studielink. The tuition fees can be paid in the following ways: 

  • Authorization standing order  
  • Bank transfer / deposit 
  • Invoice 

You can issue an authorization in which you authorize TU/e to deduct the tuition fee from a bank or SEPA account you specified. This may be an authorization for a one-off direct debit whereby the full amount is debited from the account number in one go or an authorization for amortization in ten installments (payment in ten installments is not possible when registering as a pre-master or an external student).

If you opt for payment in ten installments, a one-off amount of € 24 administration costs will be charged. This amount is debited together with the first installment. If you register during the academic year, you can no longer opt for a one-off direct debit. You can still participate in (the remainder of) the collection in installments. The tuition fee amount will then be divided over the outstanding debt collection installments.

For the academic year, you can arrange the tuition fee authorization via Studielink from the second half of June 2023. You will receive an email from StudieLink with more information and instructions.

By signing the account holder declares to be in agreement with the conditions that apply to the authorization of the collection of tuition fees. The authorization must also be signed by you if you are not the account holder.

Dates of direct debits
The collection of the installments takes place around the 25th of each month. The installments are from the month of September to June, so in 10 installments. The one-off collection will take place around September 25.

You can choose to transfer the full tuition fee to the TU/e account number: 
NL86RABO0150183704 in the name of Eindhoven University of Technology 
Include your initials, name, date of birth, your student number (IDNR), and if known your invoice number. 
Please note: enrolment is only complete when the full amount has been received on the TU/e account. 

Will someone other than you (e.g. a company or scholarship provider) pay your tuition fees and do you want to receive an invoice for this, the information can be found here.
Then print the 'Application form for invoice' and fill it out completely.  
State the name of the company, the contact person and the address on the request.  
The form can be submitted to or sent to Education and Student Affairs, MetaForum 1.300, Postbus 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven.  
Please note: do not transfer any tuition fees to the account number stated under "transfer / deposit", but to the account number stated on the invoice.  
This prevents double payments.

Exemption tuition fees

If you are enrolling for a second study program (secondary enrollment), and you have already paid tuition fees at another university or college, you may be eligible for a reduction or an exemption from the tuition fees to be paid. You can request a BBC at your institution through Studielink. If your institution does not support BBC via Studielink, please enclose an original Proof of Paid Tuition Fees, issued for the TU/e, with your registration form. The Proof of Paid Tuition Fee must be submitted at the same time as the registration request. A retrospectively submitted Proof of Paid Tuition Fee for a refund of the tuition fees already paid will not be accepted. Please note: A Proof of Paid Tuition Fee cannot be used for enrollment as an external student.

For international students

Non-EEA students pay a guarantee fee to confirm that they will enroll at TU/e. 
The guarantee fee includes the first year tuition fee.  
EEA students do not pay a guarantee fee. Below are the options for EEA students to pay their tuition fee. 

Bank transfer

If you wish to pay your tuition fee via a bank transfer from your account in a country outside the Netherlands or after arrival in Eindhoven from your Dutch account, please use the bank details mentioned below. 

The account below is for payments of the tuition fee only. 

If you want to pay the tuition fee by (international) bank transfer you will need the following information:  

  • bank account number TU/e: 
  • bank account name: TU/e collegegelden (please use this Dutch name) 
  • beneficiary/remmittee (to whom the payment will be made): Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (please use this Dutch version of the TU/e name as this is registered at the bank) 
  • IBAN code: NL 86 RABO 01501837 04  
  • BIC code: RABONL2U  
  • City: Eindhoven, the Netherlands  
  • Address: Postbus 301 – 5600 AH Eindhoven, The Netherlands  
  • Please mention your student number, full name and date of birth (particularly if someone else is paying your fee. This is so that we can see which student has paid the fee).

When you are arranging the fee payment please ensure that your bank understands that any costs involved in this money transfer is NOT to be charged to the TU/e and that YOU will bear all transfer costs.  

PLEASE NOTE: your enrolment can only be complete when the full tuition fee amount is deposited in the abovementioned account!  


You can issue an authorization in which you authorize TU/e to debit the tuition fees from a bank account you have specified. You can indicate this in June/July via Studielink.

You can authorize TU/e for a one-off direct debit in which the full amount is debited from the account number in one go or for a debit in ten installments. If you opt for payment in ten installments, a one-off amount of € 24 administration costs will be charged. This amount is collected together with the first installment.

Refund of tuition fees upon request for deregistration

An academic year runs from September to August

The remaining tuition fee amount will be reimbursed to the bank account mentioned via Studielink no later than ten weeks after the termination date of your enrollment.

Obviously we will take into consideration whether the tuition fee has been paid in full or whether you are paying in installments.

You are entitled to the return of one twelfth of the tuition fee for each month still left in the academic year after the termination of your enrollment.

For example: You wish to terminate your enrollment on December 1. This means that you have to submit the form for termination of enrollment in November. ESA terminates your enrollment as of December 1 and reimburses 9/12 (December to August) of the tuition fee (providing of course that the tuition fee had been paid in full and not in installments!).

Should you terminate your enrollment from July 1 or August 1 you are not able to claim reimbursement for these months!

British nationals studying in the Netherlands

British nationals studying in the Netherlands

Impact of Brexit on tuition fees and student finance

If you are already living in the Netherlands on or before 31 December 2020

In this case, you fall under the withdrawal agreement. For British students who are living in the Netherlands before the transition period ends on 31 December 2020 nothing will change with regard to the entitlement to pay statutory tuition fees and receive student finance. This applies even if you start a new course after the transition period ends.

If you come to live in the Netherlands after 31 December 2020

In this case you do not fall under the withdrawal agreement. British nationals will be treated as non-EU/EEA citizens. The type of residence permit you hold will determine whether you are entitled to receive student finance and pay statutory tuition fees. In most cases you will be not be entitled to receive student finance and pay statutory tuition fees, and will have to pay institutional fees.