EngD Mechatronic Systems Design

ECTS points
Education type
Two year
Engineering Doctorate
  • Application MSD

Welcome to the webpages of the EngD track Mechatronic Systems Design (MSD). MSD is a track of the program Automotive Systems Design (ASD). MSD offers a technological designer education on a doctorate level for MSc graduates (or similar level) in the field of mechatronics, robotics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, embedded systems, systems & control, applied physics, aerospace engineering, or similar. The program is internationally oriented and taught in English.

There are two options to follow this program:

  • Apply for a traineeship as a full-time job. If you are hired you will become a TU/e employee for two years.
  • In case you are employed, you can ask for admission for a traineeship. For this you will need the permission from your employer. We will plan the program activities together with you such that you can combine it with your job. The maximum duration for this company-EngD traineeship is three years.

The program starts with a year of advanced education, followed by a graduation design project of twelve months for industry. For company-EngD trainees the first year can be performed in maximum two years. A company-EngD trainee will perform a graduation design project of twelve months for the company he/she is employed.

Diploma and Certification

Program graduates will be awarded a certified diploma and the degree 'Engineering Doctorate' (EngD). Before September 1, 2022 the title was ‘Professional Doctorate in Engineering’ (PDEng), this is just another title for the same technological designer programs. The program graduates names will be entered in the EngD register of the Royal Dutch Institute for Engineers (KIVI). This program is recognized as an EngD program by the CCTO, the Dutch certification institute for technological designer programs.

All technological designer programs are provided under the banner of 4TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute, a joint initiative of the four universities of technology in the Netherlands. The ASD program, including its subtrack MSD, is part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology.

Cooperation with industry

Besides educating technical talents, the MSD program track cooperates with industry. Industry can provide challenging design assignments in the field of high tech systems (also combined with EngD programs Software Technology, Data Science, and Automotive Systems Design). A team of EngD trainees will work on the assignment for about two months. We only ask for some time to provide the trainees the necessary information, and to join some meetings.

More importantly, we invite industry to provide challenging twelve month graduation projects. We ask a fee for the graduation projects. In exchange you will get one of our EngD-trainees to work for a whole year on a design assignment at your company, as well as the supervision and guidance from TU/e staff.

Automotive Systems Design

Mechatronic Systems Design is a track of the EngD program Automotive Systems Design. More information about Automotive Systems Design can be found here:
