ECTS points
Education type
Master program
Two years
Master of Science

In the Master's degree program Chemical Engineering, you learn to come up with solutions for problems related to process and product technology. Education and research are closely integrated within this Master's program, which helps you stay abreast of the latest developments within the discipline. You become familiar with all the latest tools and technologies used by chemical engineers. You can define a personal study program that satisfies your own wishes and preferences.

Chemical engineer

As a chemical engineer you will be able to come up with technical solutions for problems and issues in relation to process and product technology. In finding these solutions, chemical engineers work closely with experts from other specializations, taking into account the related economical, social, environmental and ethical aspects.


The HySET – Hydrogen Systems and Enabling Technologies master’s is a joint Erasmus Mundus program that is also connected to the Master’s in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. The main purpose of HySET is to train professionals and researchers with multidisciplinary knowledge in the hydrogen sector and related systems. The program is organized in 120 credits: in the first year the selected students will acquire fundamental and industrial knowledge, studying in one of the two university entry points (Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano). In the second year, students will transfer to one of the exit points of the program, Eindhoven University of Technology (MSc Chemical Engineering), Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The second year at TU/e will consist of 30 ECTS course work from the CPT track and 30 ECTS graduation project. 

You can find more information on this program and the application process here.


Tracks of the Master Chemical Engineering

The Chemical Engineering two-year Master's program offers you the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in one of the two Master's tracks within the program. When applying for the Master's program in Chemical Engineering you need to make a choice between one of the following tracks:

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Federico Fabbricatore

IChemE accreditation

The Chemical and Process Technology program at Eindhoven University of Technology has been awarded with the title of  'Internationally Accredited Degree' by The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). This demonstrates that that program is academically sound and industrially relevant. 


Admission and Enrollment

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.