Course structure and curriculum

Structure and curriculum


The CSE course is a two-year master's program. Both years are divided into semesters that run from September to January and from February to July. There are two quarters of eight weeks in each semester in which you take courses. Knowledge will be tested in examination periods of two weeks. The degree is taught in English.

Students choose a foundational course from each focus area and follow specialization courses from the focus area of their choice. After taking free electives and following a seminar, they finalize their degree with a graduation project. There is room for an internship or an international exchange in your free elective space.

Foundational courses




CSE electives


Free electives




Graduation project (incl. a 10 EC preparation phase)



The CSE curriculum consists of a broad range of advanced courses on the following topics: algorithms, databases, formal methods, internet of things, data mining and machine learning, artificial intelligence, process analytics, security, (embedded) software engineering, system and software architecture, and visualization. Three focus areas are the pillars that structure the CSE curriculum and ensure a broad and comprehensive set of courses, providing guidance for the directions in which to specialize. A wide choice of electives then provides the flexibility to pick and choose your personal program content, enabling you to shape your degree in a way that suits your ambitions. 

For your CSE focus area, you may choose from:

  • Algorithms and Theory
    A mathematical understanding of computing and semantics is key in reflections about the quality and efficiency of algorithms, data structures, and (concurrent) systems. This focus area encompasses, for example: improving and understanding trade-offs between algorithm efficiency and quality, exploring and pushing the limits of computation, modeling and (manually, mechanically, or fully automatically) verifying computational and/or concurrent systems.
  • Architecture and Systems
    Modern digital systems involve complex interactions between hardware and software components, operating with functional and non-functional requirements. This focus area addresses the understanding and management of the architecture, interactions, behavior, and trade-offs in these systems. It covers the theory and practice for the modeling, design, implementation, analysis, and verification of complex and large-scale networked, embedded, and data-intensive systems. 
  • Software and Analytics
    Software is a key enabler in computer science. Software development needs to be efficient and result in high-quality output. This focus area provides knowledge on developing correct software by constructing and combining principles and methodologies of software development. This includes the analysis of information sources, specifically by mining software repositories to understand the effect of software evolution. 
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You may use your free elective options to study other technical or non-technical topics of your choice to broaden your perspective. This means that you can also choose courses from other departments at TU/e, other universities in the Netherlands, or a range of universities abroad. An internship is an option here, too. 

The program ends with a research project in which you prove yourself as computer scientist. During the project, you use what you have learned and the skills you have developed to create new knowledge and designs. You will specialize in a single subject and demonstrate that you are able to organize a research project independently. 

For a more in-depth breakdown of the course curriculum, click here.

Research groups

The research of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science focuses on mathematical applications and the design of innovative software systems.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Applied Geometric Algorithms

Geometric algorithms is the field within algorithms research that is concerned with the design and analysis of efficient algorithms and data…

Cluster Artificial Intelligence

Database Group

The Database (DB) group studies core engineering and foundational challenges in scalable and effective management of Big Data.

Cluster Artificial Intelligence

Data Mining

The chair studies data mining (DM) techniques and knowledge discovery approaches that are at the core of data science. The group is known…

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Formal System Analysis

Formal System Analysis focuses on theories, techniques and tools for modeling and analyzing the behaviors of software-controlled systems.

Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems

We at the Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems cluster address (distributed embedded) systems performance challenges in terms…


The interconnectivity and pervasiveness of computers and embedded systems is not only determining new functionalities, but is also opening…

Software Engineering and Technology

The objective of the Software Engineering and Technology group is to develop methods and tools for time- and cost-efficient evolution of…

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence

The AI-group primarily focuses on the fundamentals, techniques, and tools/frameworks for successful applications of AI. It strenghtens the…

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Visualization research develops new methods to present large data collections in new insightful ways.