Degree structure

At Eindhoven, the CME master’s program is built on a foundation of three fundamentals, in which you accrue European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systems:

  1. core courses (30 EC),
  2. a range of specialization electives (35 EC) and free electives (15 EC), and
  3. a graduation project (40 EC).

This enables you to create your own tailored program with the support of a personal mentor. In the first quarter, you and your mentor develop your Personal Study Plan (PSP).

Core courses
Covering important methods and topics, the core courses are worth 30 EC and provide a solid basis for further specialization in your chosen subject:

  1. Project management
  2. System Dynamics
  3. Case Study Process Modeling of Construction Projects
  4. Process Modeling and Information Management
  5. Legal and Governance Aspects
  6. Collaborative Design
  7. Design, Science Methodology and systems Engineering

In addition to the core courses, you can follow your own specialization path via specialization electives (35 EC). Your choice and progress are supervised by your mentor and verified by the Examination Committee. In addition, you must take at least 15 EC of free electives. The BE and IE&IS departments offer many free electives, and you may also use them to gain some professional experience by doing an internship or gaining international experience by signing up for an international exchange program. 

Graduation program
At TU/e the graduation specialization of CME is focused on the management and implementation of information processes with an emphasis on smart cities and smart buildings. You round off the program with your graduation project, worth 40 EC. CME graduation projects are often executed together with industry partners, engineering offices or government institutes. TU/e CME borrows from two scientific domains: (i) urban/building sciences and systems and (ii) management and innovation sciences.