ECTS points
Education type
Master Program
Two years
Master of Science (MSc)

DS&AI: applying your knowledge in the fastest-growing, high-tech region of the Netherlands

Data science and artificial intelligence: engineering tomorrow

Did you know that process mining is the fastest-growing new data analysis technology in Europe? Well, it was invented right here, at TU/e! In Eindhoven, Data Science, AI, and innovative entrepreneurship truly find the fast track, with solutions that have an impact.

Are you ready to improve real-life decision-making processes based on insights from big data as a well-rounded data scientist? And are you looking for a unique combination of expertises to help you get there? A master's degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is your springboard to tackling the major societal and industrial challenges of tomorrow. 

Chat with our students

DS&AI at TU/e: facts and figures

  • An average yearly inflow of 140 students.
  • A program that lasts 2 years.
  • DS&AI offers 7 exciting expertise trajectories.
  • A strong focus on shaping tomorrow's 'good engineers'.
  • Close collaboration with industry players.

Admission and Enrollment

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.