Master's track Robotics

ECTS points
Education type
Master program
2 year
Master of Science (MSc)

Embark on a journey of innovation and cutting-edge technology with our new Robotics Master’s track at TU/e. As the world hurtles into a future powered by automation and artificial intelligence, this program is your gateway to mastering the realm of robotics. Imagine designing autonomous robots that collaborate with humans as a team or creating robots that replicate human manipulation skills with uncanny performance. Consider developing intelligent systems that revolutionize industries across the globe. Our distinguished department, staffed by leading experts in robotics, guides you through a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical depth with hands-on experience.

With state-of-the-art laboratories and access to industry partnerships in the Brainport region of Eindhoven and beyond, you are immersed in an environment that nurtures creativity, encourages experimentation, and drives innovation. Join us in shaping the future, as you cultivate the skills to craft intelligent machines that redefine the boundaries of possibility. Your journey to becoming a robotics trailblazer starts here. Are you ready to engineer the future?

In a rapidly evolving world, an education in robotics holds immense societal relevance. Beyond engineering, it's a pathway to addressing global challenges and driving positive change. From healthcare advancements to environmental solutions, robotics offers the tools to revolutionize industries and improve lives. By mastering robotics, you become a force for progress, shaping ethical AI integration and guiding technology towards a better future.

What's in it for me?
The Robotics Master’s track is your gateway to a world of tangible expertise and real-world applications. With a strong focus on control-oriented fundamentals, you dive into the intricacies of dynamic manipulation and mobile robots. You enhance robot-human interaction, perception, and multi-robot team dynamics. Imagine programming robots that navigate complex environments, developing systems that work seamlessly with humans or fully autonomously in human-like environments. How about orchestrating teams of robots to accomplish intricate tasks. This specialized education empowers you with hands-on experience in cutting-edge labs and joint projects. Beyond the technical skills, you become part of a close-knit community, learning from distinguished departmental members and teaming up with fellow robotics enthusiasts, including former MSc and PhD students and PostDocs now employed in the industry.

What's the track all about?
Our curriculum is a symphony of subjects, including system and control theory, dynamics, task-aware manipulation and motion planning, AI and machine learning, computer vision, robot hardware design, and human-robot interaction. Get ready to delve into the depths of Model-Based Engineering, Analysis, and Control Synthesis, shaping you into a proficient robotics engineer.

But learning is not confined to the classroom alone. Our extensive lab facilities are designed to elevate your experience. Picture this: an 18x12 m arena equipped with a motion capture system for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), the 7-fold world champion RoboCup team of soccer robots. Add to that multiple robotic arm setups for dynamic manipulation and bilateral teleoperation, including VR/AR applications, an industrial delta-picker packaging line for real-world applications, and more. These setups aren't just equipment – they're gateways to hands-on learning and innovation. You have the continuous support of other MSc students, PhD students, senior researchers, and several experienced technicians. And speaking of innovation, our exceptional infrastructure for real-time experimentation ensures you're not just learning about robotics – you're actively building, testing, and refining robotics systems in real-world scenarios.

Why would this master's track be a good fit for me?
With a bachelor's degree in mechanical, electrical, software, or mechatronic engineering, or a related field, the Robotics Master’s track is your natural next step. This track is your personalized avenue for growth, tailored to your engineering background and curiosity-driven mindset. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, a mechanical engineer with a flair for innovation, or a tech visionary, this track offers a platform where theoretical knowledge evolves into real-world expertise. With unique opportunities to combine advanced mathematics, software, mechanic and electronic hardware, and many other disciplines together.

Why should I follow this master's track at the tue?
Imagine venturing on an educational journey in the Netherlands, a nation revered for its pioneering advancements in hi-tech education and research. Nestled in the vibrant heart of the Brainport region, Eindhoven radiates mechatronic and robotic expertise that reverberates across world-class high-tech industries. With a degree from TU/e in Mechanical Engineering stating your specialization in Robotics, you possess a treasure trove of knowledge and skills to address pressing global challenges that require solutions rooted in robotics and automation. The societal and industrial importance is undeniable, fueling a soaring demand for skilled Robotics graduates who can steer innovation and make a profound impact. In the second year of the program, we also offer unique internship possibilities as well as graduation projects together with other top-notch research centers and companies in the Netherlands and worldwide.

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.