A track of the MSc Computer Science and Engineering

Master track Information Security Technology

ECTS points
Education type
Master program
Two years

IST: applying your knowledge in the fastest-growing, high-tech region of the netherlands

information security: creating tomorrow's safer digital systems

Information Security Technology is essential for safe communication and data protection. Are you interested in the inner workings of digital systems, cyberattacks and cyberdefenses strategy, cryptology, and all the other fascinating and impactful topics the world of information security has to offer? The IST mastertrack at TU/e provides the essential tools to kick-start your career. 

In a digital society, information security is undeniably relevant. Almost daily, news outlets report on failing security systems, espionage, data hacks, or leaks. The very active and demanding field of information technology and system security increasingly requires highly trained professionals and scientists, dedicated to spotting weaknesses in computer systems, repairing them, and strengthening them. 

A master's degree in Information Security Technology at TU/e enables you to get to know the many different sides of the discipline, fully preparing you to become a cybersecurity expert, with hands-on, practical skills.


IST at TU/e: facts and figures

  • A program that lasts 2 years.
  • IST covers the most exciting and relevant disciplines in the cybersecurity field.
  • Close collaboration with industry players.
  • A strong focus on cryptography and cybersecurity.
  • Unique possibilities for hands-on experiences, such as our SOC research hub and the Blackhat lab.

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Yoram Meijaard

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.