Bachelor Automotive Technology

Joep Sloot

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“With Automotive, you learn how systems work, to then make them yourself. All the fields that you need to build a car for instance are dealt with. With a team of 25 students, I took part in the Shell Ecomarathon, an international competition to assemble the most energy efficient vehicle. We were busy with this for an entire year: first with the mathematical descriptions, then with assembling and testing. We learned a great deal about project and team management, and also collaborated with a number of large companies. Of the 38 participants, we ended in the eleventh place. Many teams were committed to economy, but our car is much more than just economical. We are proud of that. I hope to be able to contribute to smart communication between cars. Consider combining and comparing all the vehicle information in order to drive more efficiently on a local basis, as well as at the level of large traffic systems.”