Innovation Challenge

Innovation challenge

  • Subscribe before 7 June 2023!

Predict how people in 2040 will use a technology!

After successful earlier editions of the Innovation Challenge event for high-schoolers in 5 or 6 vwo, the Psychology & Technology, Sustainable Innovation and Industrial Engineering programs are announcing the 2023-2024 edition of the event. Hundreds of Dutch high-school students have already used the Innovation Challenge to give their ‘profielwerkstuk’ – profile research project – a special twist.

The assignment

We continue to be inspired by last year’s theme. For that reason, we will elaborate on it this year, by challenging students in the last two years of high school with the following assignment: Predict how people in 2040 will use a technology!

High-school students can join individually or in groups of up to four. They will be supervised by enthusiastic students of the Psychology & Technology, Sustainable Innovation or Industrial Engineering programs, who, in turn, will be coached by TU/e lecturers. The final result is a pitch. An expert jury will judge the participants’ work.

The winner will receive a prize worth €500.

The assignment

First, the participants choose a topic for the challenge. It needs to be a technology that might be a part of daily life in the year 2040. The choice of technology is free, as long as you come up with a new application. Consider, for instance:

• Climate Models
• Space mining
• Drones in the transport sector
• Wave energy at wind farms
• Robots in home care
• Generative building design

Or another topic, of course.


TU/e will organize an initial meeting and a training session about presenting skills. The initial meeting will take place 14 of June 2023. Around October 2023, you will be invited to a training session about presenting and poster-making skills, as preparation for I-Day. 

During the Innovation Challenge, you will be supervised by a student of the Psychology & Technology, Sustainable Innovation or Industrial Engineering programs. These supervisors have done similar projects during their degree programs and will be able to support you with their wealth of experience. Your supervisor will initially help you create a planning. Then you will do the assignment together. Of course, your supervisor is always available for questions about the assignment or your research project! In addition, depending on your chosen topic, some of TU/e’s lecturers and professors will be available to support you with their knowledge.

Profile research project

The Innovation Challenge can be used as your profile research project! If you would like to use the Innovation Challenge for this purpose, please let us know during your application. We will then contact your school’s supervisor to discuss the Innovation Challenge schedule and any demands for the profile project.

Innovation Day

The Innovation Challenge ends with the Innovation Day at the beginning of February 2024. Your project will be exhibited at the Eindhoven University of Technology. A jury existing of various experts from the industry, TU/e lecturers and TU/e students assess all ideas during this day. What will the winners get besides honor? A travel voucher of worth € 500,-!


Register before June 7, 2023 to participate. It is possible to participate as a group, but make sure that each participant registers separately.
