Mastertrack Biomechanics

Imke Bun

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Heart disease is a major killer, and there is much we can improve about its treatment. That’s why I’m so interested in cardiovascular biomechanics. Therefore I wanted to do my master’s program in the research group specialized in this subject. Since there are a lot of electives and multidisciplinary projects, I can pursue my other interests too.

Right now, I’m combining my studies with being on the board of our study association. That means I’m currently missing the clinical modules – spending time in the hospital in Maastricht for lectures, workshops and projects. I’m looking forward to catching up on those next year!

TU/e has a wonderful, easygoing atmosphere. You meet and work with a lot of people, which is a great preparation for your career. After I graduate, I’d love to work in a hospital or a company that develops technology for hospitals.