Why would a researcher want to participate in the knowledge valorization process?
The reasons are unique to each researcher and may include:
- Making a positive impact on society
- Pursuing aspirations of being an entrepreneur
- Feeling a sense of personal fulfillment
- Achieving recognition and financial reward
- Generating additional faculty/department/center funding
- Meeting the obligations of a research contract
- Attracting research sponsors
- Creating educational opportunities for students
- Linking students to future job opportunities
How is knowledge valorized?
Knowledge is often valorized on basis of technology transfer, through an agreement in which the TU/e grants to a third party a license to use TU/e’s intellectual property rights in the defined technology, some-times for a particular field of use and/or region of the world. Such a grant may be exclusive or non-exclusive. The licensee (the third party licensing the technology) may be an established company or a new spin-off or start-up. Licenses usually include terms that require the licensee to meet certain performance requirements and to make financial payments to TU/e. These payments are shared with the TU/e inven-tors , the faculties to provide support for further research, education and participation in the knowledge valorization process, and the TU/e patent fund.
How is knowledge valorized?
Knowledge is often valorized on basis of technology transfer, through an agreement in which the TU/e grants to a third party a license to use TU/e’s intellectual property rights in the defined technology, some-times for a particular field of use and/or region of the world. Such a grant may be exclusive or non-exclusive. The licensee (the third party licensing the technology) may be an established company or a new spin-off or start-up. Licenses usually include terms that require the licensee to meet certain performance requirements and to make financial payments to TU/e. These payments are shared with the TU/e inven-tors , the faculties to provide support for further research, education and participation in the knowledge valorization process, and the TU/e patent fund.
How long does the knowledge valorization process take?
The process of protecting the technology and determining and executing on the right valorization strategy may take months (or even years). The amount of time will depend on the development stage of the tech-nology, the market for the technology, competing technologies, the amount of work needed to bring a new concept to market-ready status, and the resources and willingness of the stakeholders involved.
Who can help me out?
- Contact The Gate or one of the IP Advisors at GateIPGroup@remove-this.tue.nl when you be-lieve you have a scientific or technical observation with potential commercial or research value. The IP Advisor will involve the appropriate Business Developer for the knowledge valorization.
- Complete and submit the Invention Disclosure Form in sufficient time to file a patent application before publicly disclosing your technology or submitting a manuscript for publication or conference.
- To avoid risking your patent rights and possibly hindering the opportunity to market your invention, con-tact The Gate before holding any discussions with people other than TU/e staff members; if a patent application has not yet been filed, we can provide you with a Non-Disclosure Agreement for the party to sign before you describe your invention to them.
- On the Invention Disclosure Form, include companies and contacts you believe might be interested in your IP or who may have already contacted you about your invention. Studies have shown that over 70% of all licenses and (technology) transfers are executed with commercial entities known by the in-ventor, so your contacts can be extremely useful.
- Respond promptly to The Gate and/or any other outside patent counsel requests. While some aspects of the patent and licensing process will require significant participation on your part, we will strive to make efficient use of your valuable time.
- Keep the Business Developer informed of any upcoming publications or interactions with companies related to your IP.