In 2022 TU/e Participations has been making substantial revenues from various exits. These revenues are not part of the regular budget and annual results. Due to their volatility and unpredictability, these exit revenues can also not be integrated in the regular budgeting cycle. However, TU/e Participations is likely to generate exit profits again in the future, on a non-regular basis. Moreover, there is a strong need for dedicated resources for projects that can structurally stimulate valorization activities within the TU/e. The Executive Board of the TU/e has therefore commissioned the development of a so-called Revolving Valorization Fund (RVF) for this type of projects, one that serves to re-invest the revenues generated by TU/e Participations in our university’s ecosystem. This RVF will provide resources for these projects in a relatively straightforward and simple manner.
The main objective of the RVF is to stimulate valorization activities within the TU/e in the form of projects and initiatives that (are likely to) structurally enhance the capability of the TU/e to create societal value from new inventions, designs and other ideas developed within this university. The RVF stimulates the impact of the TU/e and cross-cooperation within the university and with external parties. Applicants need to seek active collaboration with The Gate. The RVF is exclusively targeting projects, ventures and initiatives that cannot be funded otherwise (e.g. STW, NWO, Topsector, SURF, European Union, Innovation Industries, LUMO Labs, DeepTechXL fund). The RVF is, therefore, not intended for regular research, educational, or venture capital applications that were previously rejected elsewhere.
The RVF is managed by a committee of three: Sjoerd Romme (chair), Kim Groeneveld (F&C) and Sonja Vos (TU/e Participations). The decision to allocate resources to a proposed project requires the informed consent of all three committee members.
- The RVF will provide two rounds per year for applicants to submit, with submission deadlines on 31 May and 30 November. The first round has a submission deadline on 30 November 2023, the second round on 31 May 2024, and so forth. You have to submit a proposal before this deadline by e-mail to: RVF@
- If you want to informally discuss an idea for a proposal, feel free to reach out to Sonja Vos or Sjoerd Romme.
[1] A student team can only submit a proposal (as applicant or co-applicant) if it is incorporated in a Foundation or a BV.