Research project

Quality of Life by use of Enabling AI in Dementia

September 2022 - July 2028

The QoLEAD project will develop user-friendly approach which is shaped by AI tools and human elements (cognition, intelligence, perception, sense and value etc.) in providing smart care solutions for people with dementia. The key message with this project is to support patients with dementia and also people who give care to them with the use of AI in right place and settings for delivering better warm smart care.

The QoLEAD project has been funded under the highly competitive NWO/ZonMW KIC Programme “Living with dementia”. Its primary aim is to improve the quality of life of people with dementia by addressing challenges related to dementia in three core areas: 1) health, safety, quality of care; 2) social participation and social contact; 3) autonomy, meaning, self-respect. People with dementia and carers are leading these innovations in an open network of field labs, academic institutions and companies. By utilising the learning and predictive power of AI, QoLEAD aims to tailor interventions and to deliver warm smart care solutions to optimally manage care/support over the entire course of dementia.

Collaborative Partners

  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Utrecht University
  • Technische Universiteit Delft
  • UMC Utrecht
  • Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • Tilburg University
  • Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Alzheimer Nederland
  • JAIN TIGL the Netherlands
  • Vilans
  • Avoord
  • Zonnehuisgroep Amstelland
  • Zorginstelling TanteLouise
  • SVZR Servicecentrum
  • CZ Zorgverzekeraars
  • Academic network of Nursing Homes Radboud UMC
  • Radboud Alzheimer Centre
  • University Medical Centre Groningen
  • Amsterdam University Medical Center

Our Partners

Researchers involved in this project

Subsidy Provider