Exploring the connection between humans and technology
Research of the Human-Technology Interaction (HTI) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) focuses on social and cognitive psychology and persuasion, analyzing how humans interact with technology in ways that work best for them and for society at at large.
Behavioral sciences can deliver value to a society suffused with technology, based on solid theory and a methodological approach. By studying technology and how it relates to humans and human well-being, the group develops and contributes to new scientific niches at the crossroads between humans and technology, whilst contributing to its core disciplinary domains. In this way, HTI and TU/e help new technologies deliver the greatest possible benefits without losing sight of the human factor.
HTI news
Some of our research projects
Meet some of our researchers
Recent Publications
Our most recent peer reviewed publications
10th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS'23).
(2023) -
A fairway to fairness
Energy Research and Social Science (2023) -
Characterizing light-dark cycles in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Frontiers in Physiology (2023) -
'Give Me Structure'
(2023) -
Correlated color temperature of light
Visiting address
Arie AhmadiAtlas 9.401De ZaaleEindhovenNetherlandssvandam@ live.nl -
Postal address
Mirte ÜnalAtlas 9.401P.O. Box 5135600 MB EindhovenNetherlandstvoortman@ zhang.org -
Postal address
Olivia van HenegouwenYoussef Douglas tot Springwoodparkvan der Flaasdreef7315CW LieverenNetherlandsstefan10@ mulder.org -
TeamleadJade HemmaHondeveldhof6961XV Swalmenhti@ tue.nl