Associate Professor

Daniël Lakens

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Daniel Lakens is an Associate Professor in the Human-Technology interaction group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His areas of expertise include meta-science, research methods and applied statistics. Daniel’s main lines of empirical research focus on conceptual thought, similarity, and meaning. He also focuses on how to design and interpret studies, applied (meta)-statistics, and reward structures in science. A large part of his work deals with developing methods for critically reviewing and optimally structuring  studies.


Daniel has a background in experimental psychologist and received his PhD from Utrecht University in 2010. Daniel’s research is funded by an NWO VIDI grant for a project that aims to improve the reliability and efficiency of psychological science. He has also convinced NWO to start a pilot project with grants dedicated to replication research.

He teaches an online MOOC on ‘Improving Your Statistical Inferences’, and won a TU/e Teacher of the Year award in 2014. He has given over 40 workshops on open science and improving research practices, co-edited a special issue consisting of pre-registered replication studies with Brian Nosek.