Kynthia Chamilothori
Department / Institute
Kynthia Chamilothori is an Assistant Professor in the Human-Technology Interaction (HTI) group at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interests lie in the intersection of lighting, architecture, human perception and wellbeing, with a particular focus on how the characteristics of light in space can influence the subjective and physiological responses of occupants. Her work bridges architecture and lighting research by incorporating new technologies and knowledge from different fields —such as virtual reality and wearable biometric sensors— to provide empirical evidence on the role of lighting in creating spaces that not only energy-efficient, but also healthy, comfortable, and delightful for their occupants.
Kynthia Chamilothori joined the Human-Technology Interaction group at the TU/e in 2019. She received her PhD in Architecture from the Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID) at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2019, and her Master's degree (Dipl-Ing) in Architectural Engineering from the Technical University of Crete in 2014. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Lighting Research & Technology (LR&T) and is currently a guest editor in a Special Issue of LR&T focusing on lighting research of early-career researchers.
Recent Publications
Effects of dynamic light patterns with natural and non-natural temporal composition on reported stress recovery, fascination, and association with nature
(2023) -
Visual and haptic pleasantness of geometric patterns
(2023) -
Haptic pleasantness, naturalness, and complexity, of geometric raised line drawings
(2023) -
Exploring the Potential of Light-Enhanced HRI to Promote Social Interactions in People with Dementia
(2023) -
Subjective and physiological responses towards daylit spaces with contemporary façade patterns in virtual reality
Journal of Environmental Psychology (2022)
Current Educational Activities
Ancillary Activities
No ancillary activities