8VB10 - Measurements and modeling in the clinic
In this course, you will learn and witness the process of Medical Engineering: from measurement to model-aided decision-making. The basic physical principles of the most important cardiovascular measurement techniques are discussed (pressure & flow measurements, ultrasound). The entire measurement process, necessary for acquiring quantitative information, is covered. In addition, both limitations will be discussed as well as an analysis of uncertainties and reproducibility of these clinical measurements. Next, a number of different modeling techniques will be presented, increasing in complexity from 0D to 3D. Using sensitivity analysis, the significance of model parameters on the model output will be determined. This provides insight in how these models can be adapted to patient-specific conditions. The course will be completed by conducting a number of case studies in which the applicability of patient-specific models in clinical practice will be shown.
Learning objectives
- Basic principles of common cardiovascular measurement techniques, performed in daily clinical practice.
- Understanding and knowledge of the different steps of the measurement process and the limitations of clinical measurements.
- Apply gained analysis techniques to patient data, assessment of reproducibility, accuracy and precision.
- Knowledge of different mathematical and physical modeling approaches.
- Apply uncertainty and sensitivity analysis to the various models to determine which parameters are crucial for the model output.
- Generate patient-specific models using all previously learned skills.