Simulation Lab

The simulation lab consists of 3 computer clusters.

An impression of the Simulation Lab

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Research Lab

Center for Multiscale Electron Microscopy

CMEM offers state-of-the-art facilities for the study of innovative molecules, materials, and processes.

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Darcy Lab

The Darcy Lab offers unique MRI facilities specially equipped for researching the properties of technological porous materials.

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Equipment & Prototype Center

The  Equipment & Prototype Center (EPC) makes custom experimental setups and prototypes for various fields of research.

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Future Fuels Lab

In the Future Fuels Lab scientists are researching green fuels and cleaner combustion methods for engines.

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High Capacity Optical Transmission Lab

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Institute for Complex Molecular Systems Laboratory

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Laboratory for Cell & Tissue Engineering

The Laboratory for Cell & Tissue Engineering facilitates culturing of autologous tissues across the full spectrum of the research field.

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The Microfab/Lab facilitates the development of new micromanufacturing technologies for use in life sciences applications.

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Multiscale Lab

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NanoAccess makes it possible to produce, process and analyze innovative materials with nanometer accuracy, without releasing the necessary…

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The NanoLabTUe offers a unique combination of equipment for developing optical chips and other applications based on compound semiconductor…

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