Doctoral Candidate

Ali Banagozar


Ali BanaGozar is a Ph.D. Candidate with Electronics Systems group. He is doing his Ph.D. under the supervision of prof. dr. Henk Corporaal and dr. Sander Stuijk. His research is part of the MNEMOSENE project that focuses on memristor-based Neuromorphic Computing systems. He has been studying memristor-based computation in-memory platforms since 2015. He has investigated such platforms in various abstraction levels from the device level up to the system level. In the processes, he has enjoyed collaborating with several industrial and academic partners, e.g. IBM Zurich, ARM ltd., UMASS Amherst, ETHZ, etc.

Luck favours only the prepared mind.


Ali Banagozar received his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran in 2017. His master's thesis focused on improving the reliability of memristor-based neuromorphic computing platforms against process variation. Before starting his Ph.D. in the Electronics Systems group in TU/e he was working as a researcher at the University of Massachusets, Amherst, MA, US. The focus of his research was on designing driving circuits for memristor-based dot-product computing enginees. His research interests includes computer architecture, neural networks, and VLSI design.

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